Subscription Program Payments

Use the drop-down menu to select your Subscription Program. You will be taken to PayPal where you can complete your monthly subscription purchase. Each month, your payment will be deducted for 12 months. To renew your subscription, return to this page or Contact Madelana at



Plan Descriptions

  • Silver Plan: Accrue 11 sessions/year (.92/month); pay just $5.00 for your #PEACE practices; take a 3% discount on purchases of products (like essential oils) for an annual savings* of $162.

  • Gold Plan: Accrue 22 sessions/year (1.83/month); pay just $3.00 for your #PEACE practices; take a 15% discount on Tandem Sessions and a 6% discount on purchases of products (like essential oils) for an annual savings* of $360.

  • Platinum Plan: Accrue 24 sessions/year (2/month); take #PEACE practices for FREE; include 1 Tandem Sessions/month; take an 8% discount on purchases of products (like essential oils) for an annual savings of $1,500.

  • Family Plan: (1-4 people can use these benefits.) Accrue 36 sessions/year (3/month); take #PEACE practices for FREE; include 2 Tandem Sessions/month; take an 8% discount on purchases of products (like essential oils) for an annual savings of $2,520.

Note: Sessions are 75-90 minutes in length. Over 90 minutes, please add a premium of $30/30 minutes prorated in half hour or part thereof.

* Sessions accrue monthly and expire 7 months from the date charge is credited. Sessions are booked in accordance with therapist’s availability. Reasonable attempts will be made to service subscription clients in accordance with therapist’s availability or an alternate therapist can provide services.

Savings are calculated based on the number of accrued sessions at the basic per-session pricing.



Beatitudes, Christ and the Practice of Yoga: A sacred log on land and sea

Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble


Unusual matching is part of nature. Bringing things together that are normally apart and distinct can initially confuse us or make us question the association. It is not every day that a yoga teacher and a Catholic priest collaborate on a project that seems like mixing apples and oranges.

Catholic priests exercise Christian ministry; yoga teachers assist students in exercising their bodies and breath. Crossing over the line from yoga center to Church and vice-versa may seem, for some, to go over the edge. Our hope is that after you experience this book, you will be entirely comfortable practicing your faith and practicing yoga.

– from our recently published text

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